DIY Installation: Suspension spacers on my Tata Indica Vista | Team-BHP

2022-07-30 09:29:42 By : Mr. Julian Pang

BHPian Clayton Crasto recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

My In-Laws and I took a trip during the Ganesh Chaturthi weekend to the Amboli Ghats in our 2010 Indica Vista Quadrajet. We wanted to avoid police check posts at the Goa-Maharashtra border as much as possible, so we took internal roads from Colvale right up to Banda village. The roads were quite bad with many over-sized speed breakers causing the car to scrape terribly due to full load. We later realized that it was the jack mountings that were hitting the ground as they appear to be quite low. Despite all the scrapes (which were felt pretty bad by the ones sitting at back), the car did not suffer any damages at all!

My father-in-law later decided that it was best to install spacers beneath the coil springs. We planned to do it by ourselves last Sunday.

My FIL got these Titan Stand Jacks from, which are of great quality. From my understanding, Titan tool kits were supplied in the Maruti 800. My mom still has the kit and after 24 years, not a single tool has corroded.

The jack mounts that kept hitting the ground during our trip:

The Titan Stand Jacks along with pricing info:

20 mm Rubber Spacers which he had purchased from an FNG in Vasco long ago:

We fitted each spacer using different methods.

After doing this, we tried to release the coil spring from the mounts, but it would not budge, due to the load acting on the beam from the other wheel. Hence, we had to release the other damper as well. Good thing my FIL decided to buy a pair of stand jacks!

We repeated steps 2 & 3 from the Preparations section. Here we realized that the damper could be loosened by removing the nut on the top, i.e. inside the boot. This was a much easier method.

1. Remove the rubber cap from the top of the mount and loosen the nut. This is a very easy process as the nut itself is not tightly fitted.

P.N: The damper bolt itself will start turning once the nut is loose, so please counter turn it using an adjustable spanner.

2. Remove the damper and then release the car jack that was placed under the beam.

With both dampers now loosened, the coil springs will easily come off their mounts.

Placing the spacers onto the springs:

1. Notice how the spacer has three rubber stoppers, each higher than the other. The spring has to be tightened around these like a screw, moving it clockwise.

2. Ensure a tight fit between the spacer and the spring.

Place the spring on its mounts on the beam and put the damper in place by slowly lifting the beam using the car jack, one side at a time.

We greased the bolt that was removed from the bottom of the damper in method 1, as it had accumulated a lot of mud. This made it a lot easier to tighten.

Ensure that the bolts are tightened properly.

We managed to get the damper that was loosened using Method 2 in its proper position only after fitting the wheel back on the other side. After doing this, we loosened the nut on the top of the damper from method 1, to ensure a proper fit on both springs and dampers.

Put the wheels back and removed the stand jacks and lowered the vehicle.

These spacers increased the height by approx. 20 mm at the rear. My FIL had them installed a few years ago and then removed them while replacing one of the dampers. He mentioned that the car gets a tad bouncy over undulations at high speed, but nothing that made him nervous.

Here are a few pics after installation:

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